Sugar Factory

Reunion Engenharia has more than 20 sugar factories installed in Brazil alone. Our factory is recognized for allying low utility consumption with high production performance and quality assurance of sugar to meet all required specifications. In addition to all these mentioned advantages we still offer a compact and low-cost deployment solution.

For this, we developed a modular factory in three levels of operation, guaranteeing to the project less energy consumption, since it uses the force of gravity to realize the distribution of the products, avoiding the necessity of pumping whenever possible. The fact that it is modular ensures the orderly growth of the plant in the various stages of expansion, eliminating equipment with idle capacity.

The process may also provide for the installation of a vertical type crystallizer, which allows the product a longer residence time. This guarantees the process a greater recovery and, consequently, a significant increase in sugar production. In addition, the certical crystallizer occupies less space in the installation.

Among the advantages of installing the system, we can mention:
  • Modular Plant capacity can range from 10,000 to 40,000 bags / day;
  • The equipment is robust and simplified construction;
  • The support structure is open, which allows for greater convenience and lower operation and maintenance costs;
  • Possibility of construction of the entire installation on site;
  • The use of the concept of three levels of operation avoids, whenever possible, the need to use pumping systems, ensuring a lower consumption of electricity.

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