Mass and Energy Balance - view more -
Introduction; Theoretical concepts; Properties of substances; The cane; The diagrams and their dynamics; Efficiency and income; Industrial planning; Some thermodynamic processes; The bagasse; Data: a problem.
Industry Overview - view more -
-Cane; -Products; -Flowchart of processes; -Reception of cane; -Preparation of Cane; -Milling; -Diffusion; -Broth treatment; -Evaporation; -Crystallization and baking of sugar; -Centrifugation, drying and storage; -Fermentation; -Distillation; -Dehydration.
Cane Reception and Broth Extraction - view more -
-Definitions; -Composition of the mill; -Milling work; -Operational routines; -Operational control; -Comparative between diffuser.
Broth Treatment - view more -
Terminology and basic concepts; Broth treatment considerations and objectives; Screening; Regeneration; Sulfitation; Broth burning and preparation; Dosing and addition of polyelectrolyte; Broth heating; Inlays; Decantation and sifting of clarified broth; Filtration of sludge; Collection of bagacilho.
Evaporation - view more -
Terminology of basic concepts; Considerations and objectives of broth evaporation; Types of evaporators; Calculations of evaporators; Evaporation operation; Broth circulation; Removal of syrup; Extraction of condensates and noncondensables; Vacuum systems; Drag Separators; Inlays and cleaning; Operational control; Performance evaluation; Causes of evaporation malfunction.
Baking and Sugar Crystallization - view more -
Terminology; Goal; Crystallization; Cooking; Granulation; Baking operation; Dilution of honeys; Operational control; Cooking planning.
Fermentation - view more -
Terminology; Fermentation: -Levels; -Biochemistry; -Contaminants. Raw materials and supplies; CO², foam, acid and nutrients; Cleaning; Controls.
Distillation, Dehydration and Vinasse Concentration - view more -
Introduction; Basic concepts of the production of cachaça; Continuous distillation and its evolution - hydrated alcohol; The search for the quality of alcohol; Anhydrous alcohol; Elements of the distillation system; Operational gait and operating irregularities; Automatic control; Laboratory control; Vinasse concentration systems.
Industrial maintenence - view more -
Presentation - rules of the game; Basic concepts of maintenance; The "flags" or fields of action of maintenance; Computerized maintenance control; The manager and his duties; The TPM philosophy and the difficulties for implementation; The "5 S" project and the resulting profits; The weapons of an efficient manager; Predictive maintenance and some ways of accomplishing it; Outsourcing - advantages and disadvantages; How to form the "OTIMA" commission to reformulate the factory; Industrial environments and their consequences.
Water Use in the Sugar and Ethanol Industry - view more -
Water collection systems; Water treatment systems; Water consumption in production processes; Cooling circuits; Economic circuits of water distribution; Water reuse; Condensate reuse; New technologies to reduce water consumption; Wastewater treatment; Treatment of vinasse.
Sugar Transportation Handling Equipment - view more -
Transport; Packing; Packing; Baling and palletizing; Dusting and recovery of sugar; Sanitary barrier; Hygiene; Good manufacturing practices.
Luciano Aparecido Otero | Raízen
Nilton Leite Moreira | Glencane Bioenergia
"My pretension to the course fully met the need, because I was able to assimilate the practical part well "
Ellen Cristina de Mello Lazarini | Bunge Global Inovation (BGI)
Marco Antonio Lera | Tonon Bioenergia S/A
Viviane Aparecida Facchini | Energisa Geração
Fabiano Silvestrini | Tonon Bioenergia S/A
Dirceu Turco Jr | Unidade Barra Grande, ZILOR
Álvaro Marcelo Geroldi | BWS do Brasil
Célio de Jesus Freguglia | Cosan
Marilice Quirino Gebrim | Jalles Machado
Efabiano A. R. Andrade | Petrobrás
"Excellent course!"
Guilherme Giradi | Alfa Laval
"Very good for a more macro view of the productive process of sugar and alcohol "