Usina Jalles Machado - Construction of Sugar Factory

On 04/25/2017, the first sugar bag of the new Otávio Lage Unit factory was produced in Goianésia - GO.

Reunion Engenharia, who had once been the designer of the unit's implementation, helped put a bold plan into practice.

The investment decision was made in August 2016 and was based on 2 pillars: the plant was scheduled to operate in April 2017 and the consumption of process steam could not exceed 400 kg / tc.

The new plant has the capacity to produce up to 15,000 s / d of white crystal sugar, packaged in its own hygienic room (ANVISA standard). The project included, in addition to the factory, a new treatment of sugar syrup, a new pre-evaporation (plate reboilers), complete evaporation in 5 effects and the entire cooling system.

Operating for just over a month, the plant has already reached the expected outputs and the process steam consumption has reached 388 kg / tc.

The integration of the Reunion teams and the Otávio Lage Unit lived up to the magnitude of the challenge. Partnership, concise and efficient communication and rapid decision-making were central to the outcome of the project.

Reunion Engenharia was responsible for the development of the following services:

-Basic project

-Design project:
  • Interconnections;
  • Civil;
  • Electric;
  • Automation.

-Design of equipment detail:
  • Evaporators;
  • Cookers;
  • Decanter;
  • Float;
  • Tanks.

-Management / monitoring of work:
  • Verification of field assemblies;
  • Technical work assistance (ATO);
  • Provider resourcing;
  • Elaboration of the master schedule of work;
  • Measurement of progress of work;
  • Elaboration of weekly status and progress reports.

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